Category: Regional

FedEx - Global Mailing and Delivering Comppany -
A company known for providing unprecedented delivering and mailing services all across the world.
Posted on 12/18/19

United States Postal Service -
An independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states.
Posted on 12/18/19

Macy's - Shop Fashion Clothing and Accessories -
An American fashion brand from whose website and stores you can buy the latest fashionwear and accessories.
Posted on 12/18/19

Trip Advisor - Official Hotel Reviews and Ratings -
One of the world's biggest hotel reviewing and rating website where you can find the most authentic reviews for hotels all around the globe.
Posted on 12/18/19

UPS(United Parcel Service) - Packaging and Delivering -
An American multinational package delivery and supply chain management company having offices around the world.
Posted on 12/18/19

Weather - National and International Weather Forecast, Daily Weather News -
A weather forecast and weather news organization that provides updates on weather in America and also international weather conditions.
Posted on 12/18/19

Wells Fargo - Banking, Mortgage, Investing, Loans, Credit Cards, etc. -
An American multinational financial services company that provides services such as commercial banking, investment banking, loans, credit cards, etc.
Posted on 12/18/19

Target - Retail Store Chain -
An American chain of retail stores that sells a lot of different items at very cheap prices. World's eighth largest retailer.
Posted on 12/18/19

Zillow - Real Estate Online -
An American real estate website where you can find apartments, mortgage properties, estates and homes for buying and renting.
Posted on 12/18/19

National Library of Medicine, USA -
The United States National Library of Medicine, operated by the United States federal government, is the world's largest medical library.
Posted on 12/18/19

Amazon Canada - E-commerce Store -
Canadian arm of Amazon from where people in Canada can buy almost anything at very cheap prices, delivered straight to their homes.
Posted on 12/18/19

Best Buy - Buy Electronics at Cheap Rates -
An American multinational consumer electronics retailer headquartered in Richfield, Minnesota.
Posted on 12/18/19

National Institutes of Health, USA -
The premier American hove health institutes which have been set up around America to research on specific diseases and to provide patients with health services.
Posted on 12/18/19

Chase Bank - Credit Card, Mortgage, Banking and Loans -
An American bank with whom you can avail personal banking services and other things such as loans, mortgage services and credit cards.
Posted on 12/18/19

The New York Times - Breaking News from America -
An American tabloid and news website displaying the latest news from America and the globe.
Posted on 12/18/19

Walmart - Buy Everything at Cheap Prices -
An American chain of megastores where you can buy absolutely almost anything at really cheap prices.
Posted on 12/18/19

Adobe - Creative, Marketing and Document Management Solutions -
An American tech company that makes various useful softwares for creative designing, marketing solutions and for management of documents.
Posted on 12/18/19

Apple - Electronics and Tech Company -
An American brand which is also one of the world's most popular electronic and technology company. Makes things like mobile phones, computers and laptops among others, all high end ones.
Posted on 12/18/19

Yahoo! - News, Finance, Sports, Lifestyle -
News website by Yahoo!, an American tech company that displays the latest news from different sectors of America.
Posted on 12/18/19

Amazon - Online Shopping Website -
Official website of Amazon, an American brand that sells a lot of things online throughout the world.
Posted on 12/18/19

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